Work experience
- The Institute of Solid State Physic Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia.
Research associate
2013.02 – Present - The Institute of Solid State Physic Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia.
Research engineer
2010.02 – 2013.08
International experience
- Molecular Materials Science Lab., Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-85, Japan.
2017.03 – 2017.05 - Research Center for Low Temperature and Materials Sciences, Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-85, Japan.
2015.03 – 2015.06 - Research Center for Low Temperature and Materials Sciences, Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-85, Japan.
2014.04 – 2014.06
Professional skills
General X-ray single-crystal and powder diffraction analysis — using Rigaku-Oxford Diffraction (Gemini R with 4-circle kappa-goniometer and 2D CCD detector), Bruker (Apex II with CCD detector), Enraf Nonius (CAD4 with single-point NaI detector) and Siemens powder diffractometers (Siemens-D500). High pressure structure study — using diamond-anvil cell (Diacell Bragg-(S) Plus, Boehler type anvills). Low temperature structure study — using Oxford CryoJet stream cooler and helium/nitrogen cryostat. Also have experience with EPR spectroscopy and SQUID magnetometry.
Python, Java, C++
Scientific software for data processing — OriginPro. Symbolic mathematics — Maxima, Mathcad. Text processing and publishing — TeX (LaTeX, XeTeX), MS Office 2010-16, Scibus. Graphics editors: GIMP v2, Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Flash (Animate) CC
Crystallography — SHELX (the suite of programs for crystal’s structure solution and refinement); WinGX (famous crystallographic programs shell), Match! v.3 (X-ray powder analysis); SIR2015, Olex2 (modern software for structure solution and refinement); Mercury, Ortep, Jmol (crystal structure visualisation and publishing). Quantum chemistry programs — Gaussian, HyperChem.